Kadetra Lark

Kadetra Lark

M.S. , Movement Therapist

Master of Science-Kinesiology

At Performance Health & Wellness, Kadetra is responsible for educating patients on proper movement and healing the body by utilizing neurological pathways. She also creates educational and insightful content to showcase on multiple social media platforms. Kadetra earned her associate’s degree in Kinesiology: Physical Education from Riverside City, her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology: Pre-Physical Therapy from Cal State Dominguez, and her master’s degree in Kinesiology from Cal Baptist University. Kadetra has been involved in track and field and dance her whole life. She has been teaching hip-hop, jazz, contemporary, and ballet for over 10 years. She ran track in college and coached track and field for five years. Kadetra is passionate about family, faith, education, culture, and health and strives to impart these same values to her young son.

“At Performance Health & Wellness, I truly feel like I have found a place that really embraces dedication to health and wellbeing physically, mentally, and spiritually.” -Kadetra Lark

Meet Our Team

What We Want For You

What We Want For You

Performance Health and Wellness delivers a multidisciplinary approach to comprehensive health by focusing on your unique challenges, needs, and goals for wellness. Through advanced weight loss and fat loss, movement and personal training, nutrition, and functional medicine strategies, we want to educate you and empower you to take control of your health journey and achieve balance, function, and optimal health for a lifetime.


Performance Health & Wellness is the ideal travel companion if you're looking for ways to achieve total wellness and feel empowered to live a healthy life. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you, offering a range of comprehensive services to assist you in finding balance and feeling well.

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