Angela Padron

Angela Padron

Wellness Therapist/Nutritionist

Bachelor of Health Science

Angela sets the tone for the patient experience at Performance Health & Wellness by providing excellent care right from patient intake through treatment and follow up. As a nutritionist, she helps patients reach their health goals with effective nutritional strategies and accountability. Angela is currently a student in the masters program for Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine at the University of Western States. She aspires to be a Functional Medicine Doctor and plans to get her Doctorate in Clinical Nutrition. In her downtime, Angela loves reading, spending time with family, and enjoying being a newlywed.

“What I love about Performance Health & Wellness is that we are not like every other medical practice. We take a look at the person as a whole and really work collaboratively to find the root cause of their concerns.” -Angela Padron

Meet Our Team

What We Want For You

What We Want For You

Performance Health and Wellness delivers a multidisciplinary approach to comprehensive health by focusing on your unique challenges, needs, and goals for wellness. Through advanced weight loss and fat loss, movement and personal training, nutrition, and functional medicine strategies, we want to educate you and empower you to take control of your health journey and achieve balance, function, and optimal health for a lifetime.


Performance Health & Wellness is the ideal travel companion if you're looking for ways to achieve total wellness and feel empowered to live a healthy life. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you, offering a range of comprehensive services to assist you in finding balance and feeling well.

Connect with the Performance Health & Wellness staff to connect with yourself.
Contact us by filling out the contact form below or call us at 1-844-FIT-4-YOU.

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